
Un Balcon sur le Bugey

A pleasant hike on the last foothills of the isle Crémieu dominating the "bend of the Rhône", the castles of Vertrieu as well as the plain and the mountains of Bugey.
From the “Vertrieu-Mairie” post, go past the town hall and turn left into rue du Serverin. The path passes under a bridge to reach the “La Quinquillonne” post. Take the path on the left which rises sharply in the undergrowth until you reach a short staircase at the foot of a cliff. Take the paved path to the left at the foot of the cliff until you cross some rocky blocks in the middle of the road. Continue on the road until the houses. Turn left on the track before the house to the “Bois Brûlé” post. Fork to the right on the track then, 200 m further on, continue to the right again to reach the “L'Aunou” post. Take the path on the edge to the left as far as the track at the “Les Wagons” post. Continue left on the track that crosses the forest to reach the “Le Quai” post. Take the track on the left for 300 m then, at the intersection, take the track on the right in the forest. After 1 km, turn left on a path along the gravel pits. 500 m further on, turn left on the uphill path to the “Bois Brûlé” post. By the same route as on the outward journey, reach the “La Quinquillonne” post. From there, turn left towards “la Glacière”. The route passes close to this building (XNUMXth century shelter with a slate roof which was used as a "refrigerator") before reaching the post of the same name. Follow the road to the right which joins the center of the village.
Further information) :
Adapt your equipment according to your level and the weather. Do not leave the trails.
We speak French

Location details

From Grenoble follow the A 48 and the A 43. Take exit 5 and leave the A 43 to join the D 75. Continue on the D75. Take the D 65 then the D 65I to reach Place de la Mairie in Vertrieu


Opening hours from January 01 to December 31, 2024
Further information) :
Subject to favorable weather conditions





  • Parking

Activities on site

  • Pedestrian sports
  • Hiking route

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